Hands up anyone who’s surprised by this

Per the Brattleboro Reformer’s Josh Stilts:

The Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant was shutdown Sunday night after a small leak of radioactive water was discovered in the system pipe section in the turbine building.

At about 7 p.m., the plant ceased operation. An investigation by plant technicians and engineers identified a leak of approximately 60 drops-per-minute from a pipe in the feedwater system piping.

I wonder how much power we get from a plant that shuts down so often.

37 thoughts on “Hands up anyone who’s surprised by this

  1. Another source quotes plant spokesman Larry Smith enumerating the amount of leakage as “about 60 drops per minute” from a two-foot-wide pipe.

    Plant spokesman Larry Smith said the nuclear reactor was taken out of service at 7 p.m. and estimated it would take 13 hours for it to cool down enough so technicians could enter the area to begin making repairs.

    Work to fix the pipe would begin Monday morning, he said. The cause of the leak was not immediately known.

    Imagine being the person tasked with counting the “drops per minute.”

    And the NRC chimes in with a throw-away line:

    NRC spokesman Neil Sheehan said agency inspectors were overseeing the shutdown. He said the water would have low levels of radioactivity, such as tritium and other isotopes, as part of the usual plant operation. [emphasis added]

    Yeah, right. Imaginative eavesdropping: ‘Let’s sell this dinosaur to a shell corp. and git outta town fast, before the shell is revealed to be an echo chamber and the ratepayers realize they’ll be picking up the tab!’

    ‘Hell, down south we’d be tarred and feathered for pulling this kind of stunt. Wonder what the New England/Vermont version is. Don’t plan on stickin’ around long enough to find out!’


    The time is always right to do the right thing. ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.

  2. Where is GetOut and the rest of the glow-in-the-dark cheerleaders for VY who were so vociferous in their defense of everything with a half-life the other day?

    According to their grotesquely naive “nothing to see here, just needs an oil change” philosophy, an event like this should be a reason to celebrate: “see, VY is failing, just like any other old clunker would, and that’s why we need to take extra special care of it, nurture it in its old age, and learn to appreciate it’s faults and flaws.”

    Such utter delusional nonsense.

    Unless Entergy is led firmly by the hand towards doing the only reasonable thing and is forced to shut down that piece of crap they’ve got up on blocks in their front yard, we could all be paying a very steep price indeed when we discover just how different a decrepit nuclear power plant is from a ’74 Chevy.  

  3. for employees of two in the Entergy fleet. Happened somewhat simultaneously. Mars is in retrograde? Full moon? Instant Karma?

    It’s starting to read like a horror story:

    – Transformer Fire Shuts Indian Point ReactorIndian Point 2 is down for inspection after a fire, but IP3 remains online.

    By Katie Ryan O’Connor | Email the author | November 7, 2010


    – Explosion closes Indian Point nuclear power plant near New York City; no danger of radiation leak

    BY Bill Hutchinson


    Originally Published:Sunday, November 7th 2010, 8:28 PM

    Updated: Monday, November 8th 2010, 12:07 AM


    – Reuters/Africa is on it. Imagine that, Bangalore’s eyes are on VT:

    UPDATE 2-Entergy’s Indian Point reactor unit shut by explosion

    Mon Nov 8, 2010 7:08am GMT

    * Explosion on main transformer forces Unit 2 to shut

    * No injuries reported at Indian Point

    * Vermont Yankee plant also shut due to pipe leakage (Adds details, background)

    By Antonita Madonna Devotta

    BANGALORE, Nov 8 (Reuters) –



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