VP Joe Biden Rallies Crowd to Vote for Shumlin [UPDATED with video]

Today I shook hands with Vice-President Joe Biden.  


See Burlington Free Press Ryan Mercer’s Video here.

I have spent a lifetime attending political rallies, so I guess I was a little ho-hum about this event, hoping it was worth standing in the cold sputtering rain and snow for almost 90 minutes before the security screening.  And security was tight especially given the Yemen attempted cargo plane bombings this weekend.  

But quite honestly, there is nothing every day or mediocre about hearing Vice President Joe Biden speak in person about the condition of our country, the importance of mid-term elections, and his ringing endorsement of Gubernatorial Candidate Peter Shumlin.

The rally was high-energy all the way from State Auditor Candidate Doug Hoffer’s opening comments for the whole rally to VP Biden’s heartfelt sharing, gritty details about the state of the economy, Republican negativity, and his rousing call for all Vermonters to support Shumlin for Governor.

Update – this photo just in from the Shumlin For Governor campaign


More Below the Fold.

Wish I had better photos.  I was having trouble finding the right setting on my camera, so only about 1/3 of the photos came out.

Hoffer was up first, followed by Secretary of State Candidate Jim Condos, and Lt. Governor Candidate Steve Howard.  Each of the first three candidates were upbeat, positive, and clear on issues and turning out to vote.  Howard really caught me by surprise.  I have heard his stump speech before, heard him debate, and quizzed him on issues.  Wow does he know how to rally a crowd.  He was terrific.

Our federal delegation was the second group to come to the center podium.  The positive energy, comraderie, and mutual respect among them emanated from the stage.  Senator Bernie Sanders spoke first and like Biden, Bernie did not mince words on the state of the economy and the political gridlock in DC.  He was clear on the legacy left by the Bush years and the significant issues facing us as Vermonter and as US citizens.  Bernie then introduced Congressional Representative Peter Welch, and after he spoke, Peter introduced Senator Patrick Leahy.  The crowd was really animated by that time, and chanted Leahy time and time again.  Leahy quipped something like: ‘Vice President Biden always speaks to me a lot nicer than Dick Cheney used to do’.  The crowd roared it approval.

Senator Patrick Leahy,Leahy,Leahy for VT,Shumlin,Biden,VT Democratic Rally

Finally, Shumlin and Biden came up to the podium to rousing cheers.

Shumlin,Biden,VT Democratic Rally

Shumlin spoke first.  People assume that I support Shumlin for Governor because of his stance on Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant, but that only one of several key reasons.  I am a Justice of Peace (so don’t forget to vote for me also tomorrow), and after two-years as a JP, I became convinced that marriage equality is a critical civil rights issue.  I am proud of standing up for marriage equality, and proud of Peter Shumlin for his push to pass that legislation, at a time when many legislators would have preferred to walk away.  There are many more issues that draw me to Peter Shumlin: single payer healthcare, rebuilding Vermont’s economy, and jobs and energy independence just to name a few.  Lastly, as Peter said today, he is dyslexic, and so is my son Eric.  I know just how tough that is.  Not only has Peter Shumlin invested his time and money in Vermont, but he fights for equal education and school diversity throughout Vermont.

Back to VP Joe Biden, who was the last to speak.  Did you know that at one time Biden almost moved to Vermont?  Right after he was first elected to the Senate, his wife an daughter were killed in a car crash, and his two sons were severely injured.  Today, Biden told the crowd that he came to Rutland and put an offer in for a house, and his father told him to wait a little and not make a rash decision, and after six months or so, if Biden still felt that he wanted to get away from it all, then his father would also accompany him to Vermont.  Biden quipped that then he would have had to run against Pat Leahy for Senate, and he would not have won!  The crowd loved it.

Biden wove his personal story and that of his work with Leahy, Sanders, and Welch throughout his edgy criticism about Bush, the loss of jobs during the Bush years, the financial debacle, and Republicans in Congress.  He called today’s Republicans ‘not the Republicans of our parent’s generation’.  Biden painted a clear picture of the cost of war and real estate and bank losses that are being passed on to our children and grandchildren, but are not beig paid for today.

In closing Biden urged everyone to vote Democratic and elect Peter Shumlin as Vermont’s next governor!  

2 thoughts on “VP Joe Biden Rallies Crowd to Vote for Shumlin [UPDATED with video]

  1. …ans saw them getting ready for “the landing.”

    Couldn’t get to the rally because we were out of town when tickets were being given out.

    That Rutland story is quite a revelation!

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