Lightly Marinated Salmon

From the Free Press:

The video shows Salmon doing field dexterity tests and submitting to a roadside alcohol breath test that recorded an 0.095 percent blood-alcohol content. The legal limit for driving in Vermont is 0.08. Salmon, according to the video, initially tells the officer he had two drinks, but later admits he had five.

At one point, Salmon asks the officer if he knows who he is.

“You know I am the state auditor, right?” he asks. “You know, like state treasurer, governor or lieutenant governor.”

The trooper responds that he understood who Salmon is and is just “doing my job.”

25 thoughts on “Lightly Marinated Salmon


    One drink: “I am Tom Salmon”

    Two drinks: “I am Tom Salmon. You know state auditor”

    Three drinks: “You know who I am, right? I am Tom Salomon state auditor a little like state treasurer, governor or lieutenant governor.”

    Four drinks:  “You know who I am, right?  Tom Salmon.

    You know state auditor like state treasurer, governor or lieutenant governor.” But without the prestige  

    Five drinks:RIGHT, you know who I am, RIGHT? I am Governor Tom Salmon. You know like congressman.  You know who I am, right? I won’t always just be State Auditor.”  

  2. Thank you to the Vermont State Police Officer who did an amazing job taking a drunk driver off the road that night. I appreciated the officer’s objectivity, composure and professionalism throughout the entire traffic stop. This video is an example of how Vermont taxpayer’s realize a  return on our investment. Because of his actions that night, there was no private or personal property damaged, and no one died. Well done.

  3. he would charge that Salmon tried to influence an officer into abandoning the arrest.  The charge would be splashed over the front page of the Messenger and similar papers, revisited repeatedly in the editorials and fabricated into an attack ad.

    But then Doug would NEVER be a Republican, so this is all crazy talk.

  4. I don’t want Salmon in office either, but for anyone who skips the video, Salmon (as reported in the Free Press) later apologized to the trooper for trying to intimidate him, admitting it was ” not appropriate.” The trooper agrees it was not, then says he appreciates the apology.


    What sobriety conceals, drunkenness reveals. ~ Latin proverb

  5. “You know I am the state auditor, right?” he asks. “You know, like state treasurer, governor or lieutenant governor.”

    That’s a great pickup line at the bar where he gets drunk.

    Typical GOP tactic: accuse Shumlin of corruption and trying to get off (“he flashed his Senate ID, when the trooper could’ve seen his Senate plates!”), when that’s in fact what their candidate did.  Attack somebody where they’re strong and you’re actually weak.  Pure projection.  Pure Rove.

  6. Yes I know who you are. You’re the delusional manchild who has a sense of entitlement never before seen by vermonters.

    You see in the vid how fast tommy goes into on of his many Sybil modes. Young child caught with hand in cookie jar, angry teenager, apologetic young adult and resigned old timer.

    It’s great that this cop wasn’t buying tommy’s line of bullshit for a second. I have new respect for the cops.    

  7. video of him getting stopped, I searched for the smoking gun.

    No smoking gun, was incredibly boring & oh so ordinary. No different than if I or anyone else was stopped, pretty routine.

    When it was over, I played it again thinking I’d missed something.


    The charges of ticket-fixing, using his office to pull rank, there was no evidence of, or, did I miss something else?

    He paid the frikkin ticket, what was the problem?

    I’m aware of Troopergate, however Shumlin has no reason to not pay the ticket-he’s rich. And, he paid it. To damage one’s reputation by asking a VSP trooper to fix a ticket would be pure folly & Shumlin is way too smart for that.

    It is still spoken of on the creepier unmoderated forums as a fact.

    The rightwingers fell on own sword by attempting to smear Shumlin, when in fact he acted like a nice guy.

    In comparison, Salmon acted like more of a jerk than I thought he was & did everything Dubie campaign accused Shumlin of.

    Reminds me of the Goofus & Gallant characters in Highlights children magazine.

  8. Wasn’t even the field sobriety tests.  It was his absolute inability to follow simple directions, such as “put your arms at your sides” and “stop moving your head.”  Someone of at least average intelligence who’s that incapable of comprehending easy instructions is clearly under the influence.

    Thank goodness we’ll be turning him out of office come Tuesday.

  9. What was his blood alcohol level when he left Stowe/aka/how drunk was he at 9 pm when he stopped drinking and started driving?

    What “work” did he do back at the Auditor’s Office when he was drunk, before driving home?

    Also liked the trooper’s off camera comment toward the end: “He must work for the governor or something.”

  10. Your comment carries a lot of insight – maybe all it would take for stun guns to be banned or regulated would be for a trooper to use one during a routine traffic stop that resulted in non-cooperation by a member of the legislature or the administration.

    Who gets Tased? Poor people? People with impaired cognition (from disability, drugs, or alcohol)? People with whom the trooper feels uncomfortable (for Juan Williams, it would be Muslims) or against whom he or she might have a bias, or whose cultural norms for behavior are different from what the trooper expects?


    An unjust law is a code that a numerical or power majority group compels a minority group to obey but does not make binding on itself. ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.

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