Gibbs quickly and quietly dumps online tea party group membership

Yesterday, Jim Condos called out his GOP opponent for Secretary of State, Jason Gibbs, on his embracing of the “Vermont Tea Party Patriots.” The Vermont group is part of a movement that is initiating voter intimidation tactics across the country. At the time, I snagged this screen grab to demonstrate he was one of 155 members of their Facebook group:

I’m sure you’ll be shocked to read that, after a quick glance back at the site, Mr. Gibbs no longer appears as a member. Wonder how his friends at the site, such as Rob Roper, feel about his high-tailing it away from ’em.

10 thoughts on “Gibbs quickly and quietly dumps online tea party group membership

  1. This gibbs guy is as good at running away from the tea baggers as he is at running away from his car when its in a ditch.  

  2. Next time, be sure to read the fine print more carefully before you sign-on.  Anyone with aspirations to serve as Secretary of State should realize what a pickle they’d be in if they were connected to election interference!

  3. Will he now make a public statement that he’s does not support or condone the Tea Party’s plan to disrupt elections by intimidating voters?

  4. Gibbs may have quietly and quickly dumped his tea party membership, but it is probably by no means permanent.  He has an open membership, I’m sure.  

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