2 thoughts on “Latest Poll and Forecast on Governor Race

  1. Well, as the old saying goes:  “Liberals could fuck-up an ambush.”  Is it the Vermont Dems dropping the ’06 Scudder Parker ball again?  The nitwit backlash on a do-nothing Pres. and Dem Congress?  The fact that Americans have become so ‘dumbed-down’ that they ‘identify’ with a moron?  The lies have made the news, rather than the issues.  It seems to me as though Shumlin has been ‘holding back’ like PolitenessMan.

    And this latest atrocity from good ole Bill (take care of me first) Sorrell ain’t helping matters.  What is this shit?  Are Dunne & Markowitz already planning their 2012 campaigns?

    Yes, get out the damn vote.  There should have been a BIG Dem registration drive right after the primaries.  I mean, A BIG ONE.  Something that grabbed the Vermont MSM’s attention, and centered around ISSUES.  With all the Celebrity Dems at tables across the state signing up people.  

    Six days to go, and the election is on coast.  And it looks that way all across the country.  What the F is everybody in the Dem Party afraid of?  They don’t work for VPR, like Juan Williams did.  So SAY SOMETHING!  DO SOMETHING!

    Brian Dubie?  For God Almighty’s sake, are we going to have 2000 all over again, with a moron nobody took seriously elected by a hair?  Headline, 2011:  “HURRICANE DEVASTATES VERMONT. GOVERNOR SAYS PART OF HIS PLAN TO LOWER PROPERTY TAXES”

    Shit……well, we’ll see, I guess.

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