God Loves Global Warming

The New York Times just ran a story entitled “Climate Change Doubt Is Tea Party Article of Faith” http://www.nytimes.com/2010/10…

Are you ready for the most authoritative source on why global warming can’t be true?  Read it and weep!

Climate change is

” a flat-out lie,” Mr. Dennison said in an interview after the debate, adding that he had based his view on the preaching of Rush Limbaugh and the teaching of Scripture. “I read my Bible,” Mr. Dennison said. “He made this earth for us to utilize.”

Here is another:  

“Carbon regulation, cap and trade, it’s all just a money-control avenue,” Ms. Khuri added. “Some people say I’m extreme, but they said the John Birch Society was extreme, too.”

It’s a great story, frightening actually.  Recommended reading to understand how far we still have to go.  Pray for the polar bears!