Li’l Dirty Dubie tricks ?

Has Brian got something going on? Nixon had Zeigretti and the Rat F@%kers, GeorgeH W “Poppy” Bush had Lee Atwater but what has Brian Dubie got going?

We cling to the idea that Vermont campaigns are different but could Dubie’s green shirted supporters or, although unlikely, his campaign manager Cory Bliss have taken a page from those days or maybe the more recent exploits of conservative Republican activist James O’Keefe?  

Saturday the Bennington Banner reports a man dressed in an orange prison jumpsuit sporting a fake swastika tattoo claiming to be named “Horton” (an obvious reference to Lee Atwater’s infamous Willie Horton ad) showed up a Shumlin rally. The man carried a sign saying “Convicts for Shumlin”. The Dubie campaign for several weeks has been fear mongering and making questionable at best and perhaps false arguments against Shumlin’s  proposed plans for the corrections department .  

The man in the prison outfit, who identified himself as "John Horton," claimed to be an ex-con who had served time for possessing "a small amount" of marijuana. However, he also was in attendance at a campaign event several weeks ago for GOP gubernatorial nominee Lt. Gov. Brian Dubie at the Bennington County GOP headquarters on South Street.

Horton,” who appears to be Kurtis Stevens in a profile on the social network Website Facebook, claimed he was a supporter of Shumlin’s because Shumlin, the Senate president pro tem, would release inmates early.


Peter Shumlin spoke briefly with “Horton” at Democratic headquarters after speaking to supporters at the rally.

Dubie campaign officials denied any knowledge of any of this disturbing performance.

Interestingly though there is a connection to the Bennington GOP in another stunt at this event.  

A second man parked a large camper outfitted with Dubie signs directly in front of the Bennington County Democratic headquarters for several minutes shortly before Shumlin's event. He also has been present at previous Dubie events in Bennington.  

The camper is owned by Kirby Wright, who also owns the building housing the Bennington County GOP headquarters.

7 thoughts on “Li’l Dirty Dubie tricks ?

  1. …as with the Acorn “outrage” scam and the NH phone banking scam a few years’ back: by the time the truth comes out an consequences are to be faced by someone (if at all), the permanent damage will be done. The out-of-state GOP operatives that Dubie has hired to run his campaign are no doubt fully aware of this. He didn’t hire them for their southern charm, but because they’re willing and able to play hardball and bend whatever rules need bending to ensure that the wool is pulled firmly over the eyes of the VT electorate.

    Maybe someone should show up at a Dubie rally in a glow-in-the-dark costume claiming to be “radiation victims for Dubie and VY”.  

  2. w/glow-in-the-dark skeletons…

    If the fabric paint glows under UV, a black-light flashlight will also make it glow in the daylight.  

  3. Time to get out the top hats, cigars, and Monopoly money and do an informational picket in front of Republican HQ.


    When the deck is stacked for the rich, the poor always lose. ~ Anon.

  4. “Time to get out the top hats, cigars, and Monopoly money and do an informational picket in front of Republican HQ.”

    Great idea.  What a way to have fun at Dubie’s expense.  Love it.  

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