An interesting thing happened at the VPT debate last night

Although I didn’t see all of it, I did manage to catch somewhat random parts. The interesting thing about the debate was the interesting ideas that were brought out (plus one extremely important observation). I think this was a reflection of having the non-DemRepub candidates on stage and talking.

1) Em Peyton’s thoughts on the problems in our current banking system and possible solution really do deserve consideration – there really could be something there. Her concept regarding a state bank making loans and paying the interest to the state has merit enough to be taken seriously.

2) Cris Ericson’s idea about funding qualified teachers who want to run a small home school type curriculum is doable at an instant and would result in instant cash savings with delivery of a high quality education. As I remember Cris said up to 6 kids/young adults per such program. Much of the legal framework is already in existence ((link to Title 16: Education, Chapter 3: STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION, 16 V.S.A. § 166b. Home study program here).

3) Peter Shumlin made an observation that rarely gets into public debates regarding economic issues and educational issues: a successful economy is likely to draw in more families resulting in what may be dramatic changes in our school age population. We’re so used to being beat with that drumbeat of a continuing reduction in school age population – but change the circumstances and the numbers really do change!