The company they keep, 2.0

Just a few weeks earlier, former Republican Congressman Mickey Edwards — an old-line conservative and current critic of Tea Party Republicanism — had commented at The Atlantic that Obama appeared to be shying away from idealism in foreign policy and embracing his “inner Kissinger.”

“Obama’s ‘Kissinger’ revealed itself first,” Edwards wrote, “when his Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton went to China and declared that bringing up the unpleasantness of Chinese human rights violations would serve no useful purpose. … One cannot know whether the soft line taken toward China, Sudan, Russia, and other violators of human liberties will in the end dominate Mr. Obama’s foreign policy decisions. But neither can the early signs be ignored. For the moment, it appears, Henry Kissinger is back.”

(Activist berates White House, Clinton for honoring ‘war criminal’ Kissinger, RawStory, 09/30/10)

How’s that “hopey-changey” thing workin’ out? Oh no … that’s not all folks.

In a stunning alliance between Senate Democrats and Senate Republicans, Senate Democratic leadership quietly agreed Wednesday evening to block President Barack Obama from making recess appointments while senators return home to campaign for midterm elections, according to a Congressional newspaper.

(Democrats agree to block Obama nominees, RawStory, 09/30/10)

And yes, there’s more for the weasel welch regarding his alliance with the reactionary, radical, right wing racists in the weasel’s assault on ACORN – based entirely on proven lies that to this day the weasel welch stands by:

[reactionary, radical, right wing racist] activist James O’Keefe, best known for his heavily-edited videos of employees at the anti-poverty ACORN, is now alleged to have planned to turn the same tactics on news network CNN.

The plans, however, blew up in his face when the executive director of his Project Veritas tipped off CNN correspondent Abbie Boudreau before O’Keefe could lure her onto what CNN describes as “a boat filled with sexually explicit props” and record her reaction to his “sexually suggestive comments.”

(Fake ACORN pimp’s group cans executive director over failed CNN sting, RawStory, 09/29/10)