Caoimhin Laochdha: “The Democrats are not going to lose the House”

Caoimhin Laochdha is by far the tallest guest ever to grace VTblogosphereTV. He matches this stature with excellent analysis and careful choice of words. If you have had it up to here with the vapid and repetitive noise that passes for commentary among the corporate punditry, this clip may be just the tonic.  

This clip begins with Caoimhin explicating assumptions embedded in much analysis of the gubernatorial recount. From there, he points out that VT’s now “early” primary is hardly early at all, and advocates for a shorter primary season.  He suggests that a good way to understand criticisms of Shumlin is to examine the ’04 Presidential race. And nationally, he finds 1982 to be the better analogy to understand this upcoming election, and not the oversold 1994 comparison.

This clip ends with matters both more local and more global with a discussion of his family’s Wandering Boar Farm and CSA. Small scale food production of course has a political element, but encompasses economics, culture, our relationship to the land and our basic biology.  The blog chronicling the farm is just two months old, so definitely check it out. You’ll find, along with farm/food resources, some gorgeous photography of happy pigs and sheep.

The ideas continued after the interview, with further consideration of the 1982 thesis, and a mock-heady discussion of how fragmented identity manifests itself in bloggers’ screen names. Or something like that.