“Vermont law considers child pornographers to be violent offenders, however.”

‘Outraged’ Sears critical of Dubie ads, Bennington Banner, 09/23/10.

Let me repeat that: “Vermont law considers child pornographers to be violent offenders, however.”

Once more – for emphasis and Dubie:

“Vermont law considers child pornographers to be violent offenders, however.”

2 thoughts on ““Vermont law considers child pornographers to be violent offenders, however.”

  1. …SHID!  This and Dubie’s IBM ‘scare’ are false issues, but if you repeat lies often enough and make up new ones and then repeat those, etc., etc., you are bound to pick up some votes–you know, the good ole Bush theory, Vote Your Fears.

    I think the only ‘fear’ here should be the Fear Of A Governor Dubie.  A man more interested in selling out Vermont to out-of-state corporate interests.  A man who would probably raise taxes on the ‘most vulnerable’ while giving the rich a pass, thereby further f’ing up our economy and community.  A man who would increase the state’s corrections budget by putting even more Vermonters in jail (are political activists non-violent offenders?).  And a man–pardon my Polish, Brian–who is just an overall sonofabitch and a travesty to Vermont’s tradition of social tolerance and justice and ENLIGHTENMENT. A Dangerous Man! AN ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE!!!  

    Are we to live with the 1980 and 2000 elections forever, or are we going to get on with the work of protecting and revitalizing what’s left of our savaged Democracy?  

    Dubie is basically running a ‘Hitler and the Jews’ campaign.  It should be easy and ‘fun’ to kick his ass all the way from here to Lake Champlain, and then let Champ do the rest.

    Shameless. Insidious.  STUPID.  Here’s one from your mindset, Brian:  I think any of the Mentally Challenged in Vermont could run a more intelligent campaign.  

    Asshole!  An embarassment to Vermont.  Like Bush was an embarrassment to the nation.

  2. In the fund-raising letter, Sears wrote that Dubie’s radio ad reminds him of the “Willie Horton” ads former President George Bush used against Michael Dukakis in the 1988 presidential contest. A video link to the ad is included in the e-mail.

    What the ad is more immediately reminiscent of is Rich Tarrant’s ad attacking Bernie Sanders.

    Tarrant’s soft-on-crime ad against Sanders was similarly over the top.  I would hope Shumlin’s team reminds voters that the same scare tactics were used against Sanders, but Vermonters were too smart to be taken in by Tarrant’s false ads, and they’re too smart to be taken in by Dubie’s false ads.

    I know it’s said that even though voters claim they are turned off by negative campaigns, negative ads actually work. But I think the Tarrant example is one case where over-the-top negative ads really didn’t work, and this ad is an opportunity to tie Dubie in voter’s minds to the wretched Tarrant campaign.

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