Dubie: Finally offering specifics on “Pure Vermont”

One of the nicest things about the Dem nomination being settled is the start of debates. More importantly, hearing Brian Dubie, without the shelter of his handlers, have to go out and make his case can not only work well for the Dems, it’s just so entertaining. The vague ambiguity as we witness him trying to grasp what he’s saying. The Palinspeak. And the Freudian slips.

Well, we didn’t have to wait too long, as the first guv debate took place today, on WVMT in Colchester:

Dubie said he would shrink middle management and act on recommendations offered but not yet pursued by Gov. Jim Douglas’ “tiger teams,” groups of employees and administrators who studied how to save money. He also said, surprisingly, “We are going to have to look at our programs and target the most vulnerable.”

Corry Bliss, Dubie’s campaign manager, said later the candidate got a little tongue-tied and what he meant to say was while looking at all programs, he would protect the most vulnerable.

Now, it’s not at the level of something like Bush’s “Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we,” but he’s off to a good start, finally offering specifics on how his “Pure Vermont” is gonna work its magic.

Keep ’em comin’, Brian.

13 thoughts on “Dubie: Finally offering specifics on “Pure Vermont”

  1. The quote of his you emphasized (highlighted) certainly sounded like a Freudian slip (read: hidden agenda) to me and I listened to it more than once: i.e.,

    “We are going to have to look at our programs and target the most vulnerable.”

    What else would one expect from some trigger-happy fighter pilot where most everything is a possible enemy as well as target?

    Thus, if Brian Dubie were to get elected as the next Governor of Vermont, instead of old Governor Scissorhands wanting to cut everything in sight (especially when it comes to budgets and particularly programs and services for those most in need, forget ribbons), it’ll be more like bombs away! and what can we frag and napalm next!?

    By the way, for those who could manage to tune into the debate live this morning, archived audio is hosted on vtdigger, here.

  2. Don’t forget this is guy that had the head start.

    Our man Dubie has been out there all Summer and part of the Fall fine turning his message with a listening tour,Facebook fans and recently a 26.2 hour marathon campaign tour.

    Today the rubber hits the road and we see for ourselves what a darn jine fob he can do when he puts his mind to it.


  3. It’s pretty difficult to follow Mr. Dubie’s explanations and packaged answers. I think he’s gone over and over the details with his peeps, but it must all run together once the classroom bell sounds. Oh well. Douglas rarely ever gave straight answers for Vermont’s difficult economic condition, but it didn’t seem to matter to the voting public.    

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