Audit? What Audit? ENVY?

From the Burlington Free Press:

Entergy Corp., owner of the Vernon power plant, is required to report to the state every five years how much cleanup of the site would cost when the plant closes, how much money is available and how the company will make up the difference. The report from state Auditor Tom Salmon’s office, said that should happen every 2 1/2 years, or more frequently if there is significant turmoil in the financial markets.

Legislators asked for the audit in 2007 amid concerns that the decommissioning fund would be inadequate. The fund had $428 million as of Dec. 31. Decommissioning is estimated to cost close to $1 billion.

So the request was in 2007. The report was released in 2010 (was it really released? there is not a link to the report, or any specific information…) – and Mr. Salmon suggests that it should be repeated every 2 1/2 years (or more frequently) instead of the five.

So, has his office already started on the next audit?

Not much more at BFP: