Unity 2010: The Tour Continues (updated with video)

Video of today’s press conference is here, linked from the 7 Days Blog:

This video does not include the Shumlin component so if anyone has that, please let me know and I will include that as well.

Press release has been moved below the fold.

This just in:

AUGUST 30, 2010

CONTACT: Alexandra MacLean

Shumlin Campaign Manager


Amy Shollenberger

Racine Campaign Manager


Paul Tencher

Markowitz Campaign Manager


Democratic gubernatorial candidates, Peter Shumlin, Doug Racine and Deb Markowiz will hold a press conference today at 2:30 to respond to Brian Dubie’s economic plan.  The candidates will hold the press conference at Dealer.com in Burlington.

What: Peter Shumlin, Doug Racine and Deb Markowitz to hold press conference to respond to Brian Dubie’s economic plan

Where: Dealer.com, 431 Pine St. Burlington

When: Today, August 30 at 2:30

30 thoughts on “Unity 2010: The Tour Continues (updated with video)

  1. I could have posted this under several earlier diaries but since this is the most recent that discusses the Democratic effort to defeat Dubie…  

    Anyone who feels strongly that the recount will delay the campaign can skip the recount and begin working today to elect the Democratic primary winner (whomever that turns out to be). Contact the Democratic Party and volunteer to help.  There are a lot of people who have been working for quite some time to elect the eventual primary winner.  They can use as much volunteer help as they can get.

    Volunteers are working in Montpelier, Burlington and several satellite offices.  Suggest you call the Montpelier office at 229-1783 and ask how you can help.

  2. Nothing spells “I Love & Respect Vermont” better than the decision for unity in the first place, and now putting that word into real action.  

    I couldn’t be happier about anything else right now!


  3. I thought this was a well-targeted remark from Peter Shumlin:

    “It shouldn’t surprise us that after Brian flew across the lake to have dinner with George W. Bush, he comes out with an economic plan that’s very similar to the plan that bankrupted America: deficits, unending deficits, tax cuts for the wealthiest Vermonters and budgets that don’t balance.”

  4. Shumlin’s going to give Dubie a run for his money.  This will be some campaign if it ever really gets going.  

  5. who voted for Dunne or Bartlett (more people combined then voted for Shumlin, Racine or Markowitz) wishing their candidate was included in these unity efforts?

  6. This isn’t a discussion about Matt as an individual (or candidate) it is a discussion about those of us who supported Matt and who have been shut out by the process as it has gone forward. I have yet to see a direct response to that question.

  7. This is not only about me, but here goes.  Those not already on the three candidates’ email lists did not receive the joint emailed message so anything those Matt supporters heard they read second hand in the papers or on GMD.  I happened to be on all three (which, to someone on a losing campaign glaring ommitted Matt’s name) so I got three.  I responded to the two where I knew the campaign mamager– one did not answer.  One told me that the emails were for supporters to give them an update on where things were. I am on the state committee so I have been in touch with them but they are not the lead on this. As someone who has been deeply involved in political campaigns, sometimes as staff more often as active volunteer, for over 40 years, I know that when primary campaigns are over it is very important for the winning campaign to actively recruit or at least reach out to the volunteers on the losing campign quickly to be most effective. So, did I call up and say when can I start? no.  Did I reach out? yes.

  8. …as to what usually happens (in Vermont, at least) after a primary.  Usually, there is a winner; the winner says s/he hopes the other primary candidates’ supporters will come on board; if the other candidate(s) are interested in unifying the party, they will endorse the winner.  Further coordination and bringing in the “boots” everyone is so fond of talking about is up to the candidate’s campaign staff and has, in my memory, been fairly hit or miss.  The VDP, as people have pointed out, is a pretty useless entity.

    The current situation is quite different:  there IS a recount, and the forward focus — temporarily — is on the 3 who are in the recount request margin, as only one of them will be the nominee. It’s hard enough to focus 3 people, much less 5, into 1 strong message and it makes sense to keep that focus sharp until the recount is over and,almost certainly, confirms Shumlin as the nominee.

    At that point, the usual — as above — will probably go into effect.  When you have campaigned long and hard for someone you very much wanted to have win, it can be easy to feel let down by the usual tumble of Vermont campaigning. Truly, though, I can’t seen any evidence for people being left out or dissed or ignored. The “acknowledgment” hard-working volunteers desire is usually considered to be their candidate’s vote total. This isn’t disrespect — it’s the basic reality of political hardball. Historically, it has been assumed that anyone who wants to campaign for a party’s nominee will go volunteer with that campaign. Since the chances that the recount will change the results are incredibly small, there is nothing stopping anyone from signing up with Shumlin’s campaign right this minute and getting ready to rumble.

    Reaching out, or inviting, or coaxing, or whatever is a useful strategy that winning campaigns will probably use more systematically in the future. It’s a lot easier to do now than it used to be. This primary has shown us ways we can improve organization and coordination, but some of these ideas and methods are new to the usual mix and not fully integrated yet. I think it’s unfortunate to develop hurt feelings where no slight was intended. Far better use the energy to improve the process and soundly defeat Dubie while doing it.

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