While 5 Democrats discussed Vermont’s future….

…Brian Dubie was in the Adirondacks having dinner with people like GW Bush, who dragged us 5,000 years into the past. The Republican Party remains deeply confused about American values.

Does Brian Dubie really want to lead us to more hand-holding with and dancing for foreign kings? Leadership is critical in these times, but not leadership that’s confused about the right direction!

Republicanism is a form of government, but the Republicans that Brian Dubie dined with have confused it with totalitarianism, the most UnAmerican form of government.

When no one has market power, free markets are the most efficient way to allocate goods and services. In their confusion, Republicans have forgotten the first phrase of that cornerstone of market theory.

Anyone who knows what a free market is knows that GW Bush was never a free market guy. Does that mean that the Republican Party was confused about free markets, or does it mean that they knew, but didn’t tell us?

Jesus spoke truth to power, but Brian Dubie’s confusion makes his christianity a submissive servant when faced with older values and gods which all modern religions reject.

Judaism and Christianity are religions which attempt to empower average people and build wealth, but Brian Dubie’s friends have confused it with the worship of money, which leaves us fighting more and more over less and less.

Republicans’ confusion has meant Iraqification of American government and society. Our soldiers, under fire from Iraq’s secret groups, try to bring Iraq’s politics out into the light, but Brian Dubie’s friends live by subverting openness and disguising their intent.

These eight sound bites could have been out there as a quick response to Brian Dubie’s post-primary remarks about Democrats being confused. What was out there instead?

Peter Shumlin was on the Mark Johnson show on Thursday, on the defensive, saying that Dems aren’t confused, and had great candidates. Callers said that the Democrats have no leader, unlike the Republicans. Shumlin didn’t bring up the direction of Republican leadership.

I want to see a fight for our basic values, with two or more sides that bring issues and ideas into the open. I haven’t seen a desire on the part of any of the Democratic candidates to talk about American values. That’s why I haven’t considered contributing to the GMD fund for the governor’s race.

It’s clear that Republicans secretly believe that the left is right, but to keep their privileged position, Republicans are willing to do wrong. That’s why they knowingly blow such a smokescreen over everything they do!

But, do the Democrats secretly believe that the Republicans are right on American values? Is that why there is no public fight from them, on these basic issues?

What irony! The two parties each secretly believe that the other is right, but each blows a smokescreen to allow them to each follow their own individual self-interest, which in the long run, takes them to the same place!

Thus, in the current cultural war, there is only one side that is shouting, and the values they shout are not truths.

We must be the other side!

I propose that, instead of raising funds to promote individual candidates, Green Mountain Daily should raise funds to promote basic American values!

While we have many views on many issues, there are self evident truths that we can all agree on. On these truths, we can sound a positive note, while condemning falsehood.

How can we do this? One way is to work on sound bites, post them as such, let people vote on them, and fund the winners. Ideally, votes should be public, to protect the integrity of the process.

Please, let’s have a discussion on this!