Building Momentum

(Promoted per GMD policy. Welcome to the stretch. – promoted by kestrel9000)

Our campaign has continued building momentum towards a victory on Tuesday. Today, I am happy to announce six city council members from Burlington have endorsed me for governor.

Thank you to Ed Adrian, David Berezniak, Nancy Kaplan, Mary Kehoe and Council President Bill Keogh for their strong endorsement and the work you will do during GOTV efforts in Burlington.

These six local leaders represent more than 70 percent of the Queen City, Vermont’s largest bloc of votes.

If we are truly going to solve the challenges we face as a state, we must make our local leaders problem-solving partners. Challenges for Change is an example of how community leaders were shut out of a process created by the legislature and the administration in a top-down way from Montpelier.

These elected officials represent 17,000 voters in Burlington and we plan on enlisting these community leaders to bolster turnout in their neighborhoods. I know this will have a tremendous impact for our campaign in Chittenden County and throughout Vermont.

The complete statement of the council members can be found below the fold.

The Democrats have an excellent pool of candidates but each of us independently has drawn the same conclusion. Deb Markowitz has turned around the Secretary of State’s office with an expectation that government is supposed to serve the people, and that the office must deliver services. Deb has proven her effectiveness as a chief executive. We will all greatly benefit by allowing her to implement her policies of efficiency, effectiveness, and practical problem-solving across all of Vermont. Most importantly, she is the candidate who is most likely to beat Brian Dubie in November’s general election because she is energetic, engaging, passionate and has broad appeal highlighted by her six statewide victories, including winning every single city and town in Vermont. She is the candidate who sees the big picture rather than focusing on a single issue or ideology. Local government, and all Vermonters, are confronting many challenges right now and will continue to do so in the near future. Deb Markowitz is the partner we need because when she sees a problem, she solves it. For all these reasons, and more, we hope the primary voters will join us in supporting Deb Markowitz for Governor.”