Dunne draws Dubie out

I might be wrong about this, but I think Matt Dunne just managed put a good scare into Dubie.  Check out these words from Dubie’s campaign manager Corry Bliss:

“We can only assume Matt Dunne is frustrated with the failings of his own campaign and is grasping at straws,” said Dubie campaign manager Corry Bliss. “[Dunne’s] campaign must be faltering, as he realizes his plans for raising taxes and creating dozens of new government programs are only turning voters away.”

Dubie’s been fairly quiet about his potential opponent this far.  Those words don’t read to me like someone confident.  Confident people don’t need to bluster about.  They read to me like someone who feels challenged and threatened.  

14 thoughts on “Dunne draws Dubie out

  1. that a number of the people I have spoken with, while phoning in support of my candidate, have asked why Dubie won’t come out and join the forums.  His conspicuous absence from the conversation is beginning to draw attention from the voters.  Folks have begun to fill-in-the-blank with some rather unflattering impressions of Mr. Dubie’s viability.

  2. That Dubie is probably the most afraid of – Dubie is running an anti-gummint, pro-bizness campaign, and Dunne is 100 times the businessman that the Doobster could ever be.

    So one of his ankle-biters comes out to attack Dunne as being too-big gummint, to try to hang him on the same hook with all the rest of the Democratics.  

    They want to nip Dunne in the bud.

  3. I’ve seen the Freep’s Q&A stuff, but that’s not real-time.  Has Dubie had any unscripted press interactions, or is he playing the same game as Angle and Rand?  Seems like the forum-skipping is all about avoiding real scrutiny.  Mr Money would rather buy ads in the Times bashing Vermont’s “business (tax) climate”…

  4. Glad to see that hammering away at Dubie has really struck a nerve, Brian’s running with a backwards agenda and all the strengths he supposedly claims happen to be things that Matt has actual experience in.  That contrast is going to go a long way in November.

  5. The question, “Where’s Dubie?” was partially answered by VPR and the TA today.

    He’s been eating dinner and partying with former President George W. Bush, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and American Enterprise Institute trustee, Harlan Crow, who hosted the dinner at his Adirondack retreat.

    Certainly a high powered group. So why was Dubie silent about this dinner?  Because it would help Vermont voters understand what Brian Dubie stands for.  Such as:

    If you like the jurisprudence of Clarence Thomas – – Dubie is your man.

    If you like George Bush’s pet ideas – – let Wall Street take over SS, more tax breaks for the wealthiest, etc. – – Dubie is your man.

    If you liked the Crow assisted “swiftboaters” assault on Kerry, and share beliefs with the American Enterprise Institute, Dubie is your man.

    We should track Dubie’s activities more closely.

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