Why am I having so much trouble with the legislators in the Dem governor race?

I can’t get around the disappointment I have with the Legislature’s performance over the last 5 years. Inexplicable compromises are driven by a total lack of priorities. They seem unable to listen to an individual with a problem without passing a law; but local officials who actually have to balance competing interests are ignored. The end-of-term back room deal making is not an emergency, but rather a normal way of doing business with this legislature. Incoherent results are common (2-vote mandate anyone?). Confidence is not enhanced.

Finally, this year, we have “Challenges for Change”, a shell game of stunning proportions. Instead of standing up and making any choices, the “solution” is to hand the choices to Douglas appointees and then complain or block them when they actually make those choices. Oh, yes, I forgot the part about having poor Commissioner Vilaseca put out “recommended” cuts that every school board in the state will laughingly ignore as their costs for special ed, plant and equipment and teacher contracts continue to rise.

This brings me to our candidates. I’ve agreed (1000 Vermonters for Change) to support the Dem nominee…but I’m really going to have to swallow hard to send money to any of the 3 legislators if one of them wins. Why would their performance change if elected to the governor’s office? Would we still see the same pattern of grabbing power at the state level and pointing fingers at local officials? More unfunded regulations? Whom do they foist the responsibility to fix problems off to if they’re actually in charge? Will all local opinion be cast as “special interest” while making last-minute changes to bills that have no committee hearings?

What am I missing? Help me get excited…