Peter Shumlin’s Vision for Vermont

( – promoted by GMD)

This interview with Peter Shumlin wraps up VTblogosphereTV’s time with our Democratic gubernatorial contenders. The strength of the field is amazing and each candidate brings qualities that would certainly serve us well at the helm. What was clear to me in interviewing Peter Shumlin is that he is rather quiet with his words, but the words themselves pack a punch. This combination adds to the sense that Pete Shumlin can get things done, that he is a man of action. Having a governor who makes progressive change happen could take some getting used to.  

Whether he calls the weather a “climate change heat wave” or discusses the unprecedented unanimity he is finding among Vermonters in defining our problem right now as a state, Pete has a way of conveying a compelling sense of urgency to the issues facing us. To address that pervasive sense of economic insecurity we are experiencing, Pete shares his Vision for Vermont plan. He introduces the plan by contrasting his autobiography with the present lack of opportunity right now for young people.

He discusses renewable energy jobs in the context of getting off our addiction to oil, so that the concrete goal of job creation is connected to a larger purpose that defines our future. His goals for telecom infrastructure, a single payer health care system, and early childhood education similarly are presented as necessities. The future is very much ours to make and the path forward is clear. He even presents something as unsexy as reforming our tax structure as a shedding of the past. Understanding how the economy now works in the 21st century will be key to improving our jobs outlook and keeping us at the forefront of progressive change. In Pete Shumlin’s Vision, those two goals are inextricably linked.

Stay tuned for parts 2 and 3.

[Note: No endorsement implied. Just continuing the VTblogosphereTV tradition of showcasing the qualities of the guest.]

Pete Shumlin’s campaign website



2 thoughts on “Peter Shumlin’s Vision for Vermont

  1. I’ve seen what he can do with a legislature and how he corralled that Vermont yankee vote.  I would be refreshing to have a governor that likes to do things rather than find clever ways to do nothing.  

  2. In an attempt to make it easier and more accessible for those who want to view such videos, I have added each of the available VTblogosphereTV interviews of the five (5) Vermont Democratic gubernatorial primary candidates to the Vermont Watch 2010 VT Gubernatorial Candidate Campaign Related Videos playlist, here.

    When the other two segments of the Peter Shumlin interviews become available and, I am made aware of them, they will be added to the playlist following the first segment of the interview as well.

    Please note that the playlist also includes up to four videos of as many of the primary and general election gubernatorial candidates as could be found on YouTube when I initially set up this particular playlist.

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