Shirley Sherrod … just another nut … just another ACORN!

Remember when the weasel peter welch joined his radical right wing allies in Congress to attack the grass roots organization ACORN? Remember how each and every reason welch used – AND CONTINUES TO USE – to support his alliance with his radical right wing allies in Congress in attacking ACORN turned out to be irradiate waste product? (Meaning of no value whatsoever … not even to till the earth with.)

Well, now it’s the Obama administration’s turn to be the weasel, and the target of their baseless attacks is a woman named Shirley Sherrod.

Ms. Sherrod WAS a regional director of the U.S. Department of Agriculture down in tea party heaven Georgia. But then she made the mistake of talking about a decades old incident that taught her the evils of looking at life through a lense of skin color … and that was enough for Obama and his courtiers to bounce the poor woman from her job faster than a dumping of Obama’s one time long time pastor Wright.

Of course the wing nuts took Shirley Sherrod’s statements way, way out of context in order to lie about her statements. The lie machines told the world that Sherrod’s statements were about contemporary actions and, rather than discussing a life lesson learned, reflected her attitudes today.

Which obviously was enough to kick the DC Democratic surrender monkey machine into high gear … and promptly push for and receive Ms. Sherrod’s resignation … something I would call firing by coercion.

The NAACP was the first public body to realize just how duped they were by the made up bullshit that Obama and his administration lapped up like tax dollars for bloody and pointless wars.

After watching the full, unedited tape of remarks delivered by Sherrod, however, the NAACP now says that it was “snookered” into casting judgment on Sherrod, and has officially retracted its criticism of her, fulfilling an earlier Surge Desk prediction. In a further bitter irony, Sherrod was actually speaking at an NAACP event.

(NAACP Retracts Criticism of Shirley Sherrod After Viewing Full Video of Speech, AOL News, 07/20/10)

And the supposed victim of Shirley Sherrod’s non-existent rascism?

Earlier in the day, Eloise Spooner, the wife of the farmer mentioned in Sherrod’s story, spoke to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, where she vigorously defended Sherrod, saying that her actions help the couple hold onto their farm.


Yeah … Obama’s in your corner … until he’s not … which is much more often than the prior.

(PS. Still waiting on that welch apology to ACORN for the damage he did there.)

Full video of Shirley Sherrod’s speech as provided by the NAACP:

The video is about 43 minutes, and I would suggest listening from the beginning and continue at least through her conclusion regarding the incident in question. Her non-controversial controversial statements begin a little after 16 minutes. One note: there is an obvious edit in the filming (looks like a part 1 was appended to a part 2) at 21 minutes but it doesn’t affect her comments one iota.