Susan Bartlett takes the pledge

Here’s the 2nd clip of the Susan Bartlett interview. Summertime and the living is busy, and I’ve been lagging on getting these posts up. So Susan is enjoying an extended spotlight. I will post the last clip next week if anyone’s keeping score at home at this point.

The clip opens with Susan’s confidence that we will achieve universal health care coverage in this state. In taking the internet pledge, she makes the great point that negative campaigning tends not to work in Vermont.  

A review of the legislative session follows. Dealing with the deficit, restructuring the judiciary, and closing Vermont Yankee were all major accomplishments. In terms of energy, she explains how we will be better off changing our energy mix and focussing on efficiency. And on a similar note of optimism, her assessment of our budget woes is that ultimately our troubles will move us towards outcomes-based government restructuring, which will improve services.

Part 1 is HERE

Stay tuned for Part 3.

[Note: No endorsement implied. Just continuing the VTblogosphereTV tradition of showcasing the qualities of the guest.]

Susan Bartlett’s campaign website

