****very heavy sigh**** time …

or “What is a modern day, cheap labor, borrow and spend ‘servative to do?”

The following is a recent quote from one time Wyoming Senator Alan Simpson:

In [Reagan’s] diary books, I’m proudly mentioned many times. He was a dear friend, and a total realist as to politics.

I didn’t come to this commission to raise taxes. That’s the myth. But I’ll tell ya, they’ve got to be on the table and they are on the table. So I’ll get my share of crap on that one.

But let’s just disengage ourselves from the myth that Ronald Reagan never raised taxes. He did. And here are four big ones. So I hope this will clear the air for some of the groups today.

(Reagan Raised Taxes At Least 7 Times, Including the Biggest Corporate Tax Hike Ever, Pensito Review, 07/02/10)

We really don’t need all those heads exploding in the streets this weekend … let’s keep that for fireworks. So just keep this all hush hush until Monday … ‘kay?

A little more below …

In an April 6th, 2010 post at the blog capitalgainsandgames (link from the above referenced article) one time Reagan economic aide and H.W. Bush administration treasury official puts the count at $275.3 billion in tax cuts and $132.7 billion in tax increases.

So that $142.6 billion tax cut difference compares favorably to about $2 trillion increase in national debt (source: US Treasury) in exactly what way?

Oh, that’s right … it was all part of a set of policies that make it possible for a multi-millionaire to arbitrarily destroy the take home wages of hard working Americans.

Hey, did I say thanks Ronnie?

(PS. still waiting for that floor of the House apology from weasel welch for the damage he helped his radical right wing buddies in congress do to ACORN.)