Vermont has Fake Rob, U.S. has Fake President

I don’t know about you, but Obama’s oval office speech was a real let down.  I wanted something inspiring, some FDR-type fireside style chat that tells Americans that we are facing a real tragedy, yet if we all pull together and we shift the paradigm it will make a difference.  You know a JFK “ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country”.  Shifting the paradigm away from corporate greed to protection of the American-way of life.

Something inspiring, something that reflects the reality of the situation. A speech that acknowledged the bare minimum that we expect our President and our government to accomplish. The speech Rachel Maddow gave, for instance:

I wish Rachel Maddow’s Fake presidential speech was what President Obama really said.  It is clear and to the point, inspiring, and shifts the paradigm with no ambiguous language.  In my opinion, it is Presidential.  What’s your take?


In his post What Side Are the Parties On, Jack shows us what trash talk the President is up against for the soul and future of America.  

Rush Limbaugh, the intellectual head of the Republican Party: “Who’s gonna get this money? Union activists? ACORN people? Who’s gonna get this money. Let’s keep a sharp eye on who Feinberg gives this money to. Because I’m telling you, this is just another bailout fund, called something else, and we’ll see who gets it.”

By the way, if you haven’t read Fake Rob, Vermont’s satirical take on Entergy’s PR Rep Rob Williams, it’s worth a read on a regular basis.