Action Victory: Dubie pulls the ad

(In keeping with the GMD policy of featuring first-person diaries by candidates to statewide office on our front page, here is the latest from Deb Markowitz: – promoted by Sue Prent)

I want to thank all of the Vermonters that signed our petition and put the heat on Brian Dubie. This weekend he pulled his anti-Vermont advertising on the New York Times.  

I think it is important to point out that this is the second time in as many months that he has changed his position on an important economic issue. In March, he reversed his support for the Seal of Quality program, a 30-year old program for branding, marketing and regulating Vermont products after we asked him to reject the governor's decision:  


After meeting Friday with Douglas and Allbee, Dubie changed that, saying he now understands the program is not being eliminated, but instead taking a hiatus while adjustments are made, and he agrees with that…“I’m in total agreement with his plan,” he said. Free Press 3/28/10


Vermont has challenges to jumpstart our economy including making Vermont more affordable for businesses and families. I have worked to help our local officials become better job ambassadors and saved businesses by cutting fees. I'll bring this experience to the governor's office. Lt. Governor Dubie needs to show better decision-making before he uses his campaign advertising to paint Vermont in a bad light, but I appreciate his change of tone.  

2 thoughts on “Action Victory: Dubie pulls the ad

  1. …that language used in a web banner ad constitutes an “important economic issue”.  I’d be nice if the ad was actually down, but it appears to be alive and kicking.

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