Changed the title: You want the Great Political Center? It’s right here!

On taxes? We’re there ….

Just ahead of Tax Day, a new New York Times/CBS News poll finds that most Americans regard the income taxes that they will have to pay this year as fair, regardless of political partisanship, ideology or income level.

(Poll: Most Find Their Income Tax Fair, NY Times, 04/14/10)

That ‘most Americans’ figure comes out to 62% of the poll respondents.

On public option in medical health insurance? We’re there …

(Thanks to Think Progress for the pointer.)

Many have assumed that those advocating for repeal wanted Congress to take no further action on health care reform.  However, this survey found that 48 percent of Americans actually would like for Congress to continue working on health care system reforms as opposed to focusing on other topics.  In fact, the survey found that 63 percent of those individuals who supported repealing the legislation also were in favor of Congress continuing to work on health care system reforms.

(Indiana University’s Center for Health Policy and Professionalism Research)

Full survey here. (Previous link has the pretty graphics)

Yeah, so despite these results being in line with poll after poll … tell me .. why didn’t the surrender monkey DC Dems step up and do the right thing? Is it they really don’t disagree on the big picture with the radical right wing Republicans?

PS. I’m still waiting for weasel welch to apologize for joining his radical right wing buddies in their based on manufactured evidence assault on ACORN (who’s only real crime was trying to empower those our governments have helped to dis-empower).