Matt Dunne’s vision for transparency and connectivity

( – promoted by odum)

Matt Dunne responded personally to my invitation to appear on VTblogosphereTV and then handed scheduling over to the able David Babbott. We determined a date to shoot easily and David kept me apprised of a potential conflict but did some shuffling so that Matt could fit the interview in between a luncheon at and a discussion with the UVM College Democrats. I was left with an impression of a kinetic, conscientious and connected campaign. A kinetic, conscientious, and connected governor could take some getting used to.  

Matt Dunne explicitly relates his understanding of the internet to the challenges of governing in the twenty-first century. Transparency and connectivity are essential to transforming our state government. In discussing his issues website Vermont’s Future, Matt states “I believe that democracy on the web works.”  On one level, he simply means that it is important to trust that dialogues on the web concerning politics need not devolve into shouting matches, but can actually result in bringing new ideas to light.

On another level, though, Matt is suggesting that by smartly moving some of the functions of governance to the web, we will ultimately live in a state that is more responsive and more representative.

He expands on these twin themes of transparency and connectivity throughout the interview, so stay tuned for Parts 2 and 3.

[Note: No endorsement implied. Just continuing the VTblogosphereTV tradition of showcasing the qualities of the guest.]

Matt Dunne’s Campaign website

Vermont’s Future issues website



2 thoughts on “Matt Dunne’s vision for transparency and connectivity

  1. That’s an understatement, after 8 yrs of the “DoesLess” administration’s “laissez unfair” model of political non-engagement.

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