Health Care Reform tactics worked, now we need a STRATEGY!

Health care reform opponents have a strategy:  

Let a reform plan pass, but make sure that there is no effective cost containment.  Let the Sickness for Profit system continue to rape and pillage, and reinvest some of the profits in a marketing program to demonize all real reform efforts.  

It’s the strategy that brought us the Medicare prescription drug legislation, which is projected to go bankrupt. It’s the strategy that was used to cut taxes going into war, and disguise the war deficits, passing war costs on to future generations.

In short, their strategy is, and has been, to get Americans to finance America’s effort to win the race to the bottom, and to provide others with the knowledge to keep us there!

What’s our strategy going to be????

For at least three thousand years, it’s been known that a society that values profit above all will consume itself from the inside, until nothing is left but a hollow shell, which collapses and dies.  

We have been in an uphill fight for a generation, because we have allowed avarice to be trumpeted as a basic American value, when history shows that avarice is self destructive.

America was founded to give Americans a bigger voice in their government!  It’s about liberty and justice for all, not about profits for a favored few!