Dumpster diving on the Internets

So I visited Washington Monthly this morning to get my RDA of Steve Benen, and at the top of the page was a banner ad for Brian Dubie! (Actually, this seems to be a frequent occurrence: conservative ads appearing on liberal websites. Hey, Republican donors, did you know your hard-earned dollars are going to support Talking Points Memo?)

The banner read: “Should Vermont’s Next Governor Increase government spending?” And offered a link to an online petition.

Yeah, I clicked on it.  

The “petition” is just a place to give the Dubie campaign your contact information, of course. Above the “petition” is a rather disconcerting close-up of Brian squinting into the camera. And below the “petition” is the inevitable “Comments” section. Which included this gem, from “VT Rebel”:

VT. state Gov’t like the Fed. gov’t is a Cancerous tumor that is metastasizing. What it needs is a good dose of radiation to shrink it.

Ahhhh. Now I understand why conservatives support Vermont Yankee. Radiation… it’s a good thing.  

3 thoughts on “Dumpster diving on the Internets

  1. The ads rotate, including questions like “Should the Legislature Increase Taxes?” “Should Vermont’s next Governor Grow State Government?”

    As was explained to me, the first time I noted it, the ads pop up for people looking on who have Vermont-based addresses. Someone logging on from their home in Virginia would see a different ad.

    At the same time, it is worth noting that what the blog ad means is that Dubie’s got money to blow.


    Conservatives want to shrink government – except, of course, for their own jobs and any agencies that disburse funds primarily benefiting their rich friends and campaign donors. ~ Ursula Rojam

  2.  Gov.Douglas is taking candidate Dubie along on his trip to Quebec this week.

    Reminds me of an grown-up version of the once a year take your kid to work day.  

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