Senate VY Debate On Now

[Update 2: via email: Sen. Randy Brock will offer an amendment to slow the process, although he believes Entergy is “suspect.” He says today’s vote is based on emotion and innuendo. — NanuqFC]

[UPDATE & call for participation: Have to quit live-blogging for now — paid work takes precedence. Any GMD-er is invited to contribute if you’re listening either in comments or by adding updates under your own moniker. Thanks! — NanuqFC]

The proceedings began with Senator and lt. gubernatorial candidate Phil Scott (R) raising procedural objections, “interrogating” (their word) Rules Committee Chairman and gubernatorial candidate Peter Shumlin on how the ordinary process was circumvented to bring the VY relicensing bill to a vote. Scott then inquired of Rutland Republican Kevin Mullin (I think; the Senators are not addressed by name, but by district, and I’m listening via VPR’s live stream) about whether the poll of the rules committee was unanimous as presented, which he denied.

As Scott seemed ready to continue his challenge, someone whose district I didn’t catch asked for a recess. At 10:57 a.m., that’s where we are.

They’re back: Scott agrees to shut up and sit down. Shumlin regrets any misunderstanding in the process.

Mullin thought he was clear with his thumbs-down response on the rules committee process. But does not mean to imply that Shumlin intended to pull a fast one.

Sen. Ann Cummings makes a presentation from the Finance Committee about Enexus. No recommendation from the committee.

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