let’s talk jobs

( – promoted by odum)

this just out from ONE Vermont; a fascinating counterpoint to Jim Douglas’ supposed concern for the jobs at VY; I guess not all jobs are created equal…

“an independent analysis of the broad economic and employment impacts of his administration’s proposed AHS budget cuts found that:

[T]he proposed AHS cuts…are likely to result in the loss of more than 1,000 jobs per year, and could approach losses of 1,400 jobs per year.  Employment impacts from the loss of matching federal funds are estimated to total approximately 400 to 650 per year…”

the analyst is Tom Kavet, the legislature’s economist; smart guy, straight shooter

here is the link to the Exec. Summary on the JFO web site


ps – Jim Douglas’ budget proposals remind me of the old Vietnam line about having to destroy the village in order to save it

8 thoughts on “let’s talk jobs

  1. Douglas wants to accomplish the gop dream of dismantling the state government on behalf of the private sector, forcing us to pay five times as much to get five times as less.  He’s working hard at it now.  

  2. and jobs in the same sentence is really getting to be unfair.  Like hunters who shoot deer that have been tied to a salt lick…  It is just too easy to make a case that he is just such a poor performer in the area of job creation, or retention for that matter, almost to the buffoon level.   Even the jobs that he transfers over to the private contractors are happening more and more out of state or without benefits so the profit that is passed on to his corporate friends is at the expense of our poorfolkhealthprograms…   We taxpayers make up the cost in general fund contributions for the profit that goes out of state…

    I suspect displaying the cost shift will keep Treasurer Hoffer busy for most of his first term…???

  3. Oh, yeah, that it will.  Tracing all that money of ours that Douglas is giving to the pacs outside the state.  

  4. This study was done at my request, as the Chair of the Senate Health and Welfare Committee. I am now working on scheduling Tom Kavet to come in this week and explain to my committee the methodologies used and the conclusions reached.

    -Doug Racine

  5. Doug H, or Doug R, or somebody –

    Can anyone speak up to the fact that the “600 jobs lost” if we close VY isn’t true, at least not from what I am told, anecdotally.   I am told there are between 550 and 600 jobs at VY, total, and that one-third of them are held by Vermonters.  I am also given to understand that many (most?) of these workers will, in fact, have employment for several years after the plant finally stops producing power, as decommissioning is a long, complex, and labor-intensive process, and watching over all that nuclear waste will occupy some folks for the next 2,500 hundred centuries.

    Okay, that last might be a bit much for some folks, but still, can we push back against the “600 jobs” thing that VY supporters have buried so deeply in the public debate?

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