Time for Action on VY

(Continuing the policy of promoting diaries from officeholders and officeseekers – promoted by odum)

The situation at Vermont Yankee continues to deteriorate.  Entergy Nuclear executives misled Vermonters about the existence of radioactive tritium leaks in their underground pipes, causing unknown and potentially disastrous contamination of our groundwater.  Cleanup costs are skyrocketing upwards.  Today, the New York Times picked up this damaging story.  

Enough is enough. It is time for action.

Will you join me and other Vermonters in calling for immediate, clear, and decisive action on the Vermont Yankee nuclear plant?  Can you take two minutes to call the Governor and your legislators to ask them to move quickly?

The Governor’s direct phone number is (802) 828-3333, and you can find your legislators and look up their contact information here http://www.leg.state.vt.us/leg…

Having served as a Vermont lawmaker for eleven years, I know how meaningful it is to hear from constituents on critical issues.  We can make an impact.

I held a press conference a week ago to call for immediate clarity and action from the Governor and/or the Legislature so we can start the urgent process of planning for a post-Entergy Vermont.  Over the last week, I’ve been delighted to see other candidates, particularly Deb Markowitz, and concerned citizens taking action to demand movement and progress on this issue.  http://www.greenmountaindaily…. Your calls will be a direct and forceful addition to these efforts.

Unfortunately, Montpelier remains at a standstill.  The Legislature has not voted, and Governor Douglas and Brian Dubie are simply buying time.  How long do we have to wait?  

We owe it to our business community, our electricity rate payers, and the workers at the plant to take decisive action in three ways:

(1) Make it clear that Vermont Yankee will be decommissioned as planned in 2012.

(2) Prepare to hold Entergy accountable for the clean-up and health of those who may be affected.

(3) Act now to develop in-state renewables that can create jobs, including several bio-mass plants, while planning for contracts to minimize energy disruption.

Please join us in bringing this issue to a conclusion so we can move forward to our energy future.


9 thoughts on “Time for Action on VY

  1. It opens with, “We’ve been lied to.” And in it Dunne refreshingly calls what Entergy officials did by its real name: “Entergy Nuclear executives lied to Vermonters …”

    It also cites GMD’s assessment of his mojo as “red hot,” with a link.

    Good going Matt!


    In a Time of Universal Deceit, TELLING the TRUTH Is a Revolutionary Act. – George Orwell

  2. Washington Electric Co-op is advocating a no vote on Vermont Yankee by the legislature .

    WEC had been part-owner of the plant back in the pre-Entergy days .Good for WEC

    WEC’s Board also cites Entergy’s “poor track record in operating the plant,” controversy over the proposal to sell Vermont Yankee to spinoff company Enexus, the fear that decommissioning costs could be pushed onto ratepayers and the recent tritium leak at the facility as additional reasons why it should close in 2012.


  3. Doug Racine has called for the closing of Yankee from the openning bell of this campaign season.  It is curious that Matt would single out Debbie for praise.  Maybe trying to position himself for Secretary of Administration or something just in case?

  4. Anyone see the Boston Globe today?   Page 1:  http://www.boston.com/news/sci

    This is not just a problem in VT, but VT is the only state that has a citizens’ solution – the legislature gets to vote.   In 2006, they passed a bill, unanimously, that was approved by the Governor and green-lighted by Entergy and that requires an affirmative vote in both houses to allow relicensing.

    We should encourage our elected representatives to show the kind of leadership they have on other issues – environmental protection, equal marriage, energy efficiency and renewables – this time.

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