4 thoughts on “Statehouse visit

  1. I had the misfortune last night of being in McGillicuddy’s as just about every statehouse Repub was in there  celebrating something (what, I still can’t figure out). Even Douglas and Dubie were in there. Douglas made a little speech and even in a bar full of friendlies, sounded like an automatonic robot. Dubie then went on to say something and sounded only a little more intelligent that Sarah Palin, and laughed at himself a few times. On the way out, he stopped at our table to say hi, and needless to say, there were several awkward pauses.

    Of course, much to the consternation of my companions, I got all serious for an hour, trying to hear something stupid or embarrassing that I could instantly blog about. Alas, it just turned out to be a night of a bunch of stiff people (mostly men) with no sense of humour and bad haircuts.

  2. Cuddy’s is where the repubs like to hang out. But some demos go there too and I’ve gotten into a few interesting talks there.  Was there a couple nights ago and met that sweety rep Shap was hugging:)  

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