Kipling with the Governor

Governor Douglas has amazingly declared himself to be free from political motivation!  From today’s Times Argus article about the dynamics of the upcoming legislative session;

Gov. James Douglas predicts that his decision not to seek re-election will simplify the politics of the legislative session. "The legislative majority has no reason to ascribe any political motive to anything I say or do," he said. "I hope it will mean legislators will act solely in the best interests of Vermonters."

“So he changed his skin then and there, and the Leopard was more excited than ever: he had never seen a man change his skin before…Oh, now and then you will hear grown-ups say, 'Can the Ethiopian change his skin or the Leopard his spots?' I don't think even grown-ups would keep on saying such a silly thing if the Leopard and the Ethiopian hadn't done it once — do you? But they will never do it again, best Beloved. They are quite contented as they are.” – From Kipling’s How the Leopard Got His Spots.

It is after all only a fable told to children.    

4 thoughts on “Kipling with the Governor

  1. the man will say absolutely anything to paint himself as the good guy and others as having less than honest motivations

    I am counting the days…

  2. ..I can’t choose just one. So here’s a short list.


    b. So, Jim Douglas will do or say nothing designed to promote the interests of the Vermont GOP or help elect a Republican successor?  Jim, Jim, why do you hate Brian Dubie so?

    c. Would this be the same “Jim Douglas” whose spokesperson, Dennise Casey, recently said  “I would be concerned with any permit reform led by the Democratic supermajority because they have not made our economy and job creation a priority”? (Burlington Free Press, 12/15/09)  …Naaah, must be some other “Jim Douglas.”  

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