Join 1000 Vermonters for Change

A man who needs no introduction (I actually forgot to state his name in the intro) takes us back in time to the bloggers’ summit of December 6, 2008. Initiatives started there include moving the primary date to earlier in the year, creating a structure so that the state Democratic party can be more responsive, and designing a way to help the gubernatorial primary winner get over the finish line financially. Watch below to find out the present state of these initiatives.

In terms of financial support, John created the Facebook group 1000 Vermonters for Change. The goal is to commit 1000 people to give $100 to the winner of the Democratic primary on the day after the primary election (presently slated for September 14, 2010). So take a look at your wallet and then take a look at your least favorite candidate for Democratic nominee. If you can see yourself writing them a check in the fall to help them reclaim the Governor’s office, join the group and take the pledge. If you are not on Facebook, John is keeping a tally of the total which  today looks like 244 in the Facebook group, plus 5 more he’s gathered through email. Remember he launched this back in May when we had no idea how strong the field would be.

So if you haven’t already, take a minute in this season of giving and do something concrete to make 2010 a better year.