Commentary: Moving On Takes More Than Empty Promises

(cross-posted from Montpelier Matters blog, here)

The Montpelier water budget overpayment mess as well as the lack of much earlier full and open public disclosure by political leaders smells rather fishy. However it is also too bad that fish as a species end up getting such a stinky rap due to what is actually the stench of Vermont politics at among its worse[worst], particularly at the local level.

Although it is most likely that citizens would have been angry with city officials concerning the initial error(s) that led to as well as followed the overpayment and the matter not being found for two years or so after the original error had been made, if it was properly disclosed to the public as well as pursued differently than was the case and, if political ambitions had not been a potential factor as it would appear it could have been, people would have eventually understood and forgiven those involved at the city level.

Except for merely more of the same old tired empty promises to do better next time around and that are not of a good enough standard, it is the apparent lack of trust, honesty and transparency when as well as how it mattered most, repeated breaches of which not easily forgotten or forgiven — especially when not fully admitted and truly owned up to, which appear to be irking certain concerned citizens and voters the most.

Thus, as a concerned resident of the city of Montpelier, it is my opinion that Mayor Mary Hooper as well as each and every city councilor who at any point supported nondisclosure of this matter to the public should resign asap or otherwise be voted out of office when their next term comes up for re-election.

Morgan W. Brown



Vermont Public Radio (VPR) Vermont Edition show for Tuesday, October 27, 2009 at Noon and 7:00 PM regarding Government Transparency, here.