Obama Faces ‘Hobson’s Choice’ on Afghanistan: Build Up or Pull Back?

President Faces His Toughest Dilemma Yet That Has Echoes of What LBJ Faced Over the Vietnam War; No Matter What Decision He Reaches, Obama Is Likely Stuck in a ‘Damned-If-You-Do, Damned-If-You-Don’t’ Position — Alienating One Side or the Other in Debate Over the U.S. Role in Afghanistan

It’s lonely at the top: There are times when being the president of the United States can be the toughest and loneliest job in the world. And at no time is that feeling greater than when a president is confronted with his most fateful decision in his capacity as commander-in-chief of the armed forces: To commit U.S. troops into armed combat, especially in a war that’s unpopular with the American people. President Lyndon Johnson (left) learned that the ward way when he made his fateful decision in 1965 to escalate the U.S. war effort in Vietnam. Now President Obama (right) faces a similarly fateful decision on whether to send more U.S. troops to Afghanistan or to pull back. Whichever way he decides could determine the fate of his presidency. (Photos: UPI Archives and the White House)

(Posted 5:00 a.m. EDT Monday, October 5, 2009)





During the last several weeks, Americans have found themselves back in the middle of a fierce debate over our continuing military effort in Afghanistan. What was Bush’s forgotten war had, until recently, seemed quite safely transformed in public opinion into Obama’s “war of necessity.”

Now, because of General Stanley McChrystal’s request for significantly more troops, coming on the heels of his public declaration that the Taliban are essentially “winning,” the ruling Democrats have suddenly been thrust back into “quagmire” mode.

Predictably, we are once again awash in feverish Baby Boomer analogies to Vietnam, despite the pronounced absence in Afghanistan of any great-power antagonism. Indeed, America enjoys the exact opposite there.

Nonetheless, defections from the “good war” are occurring across the ideological spectrum. On the right, Washington Post columnist George Will has declared it’s “time to get out of Afghanistan,” while on the left, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi warns that congressional support for more troops is fast dwindling.

Most tellingly, that avatar of the American middle, New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman, now confesses that he fears our “babysitting” job in Afghanistan has morphed into a full-fledged “adoption.”

In sum, our nation’s elite are finally grasping just how far into the future a counterinsurgency/nation-building effort in rugged, backward Afghanistan may extend — i.e., way beyond the 2010 midterm elections.




WASHINGTON — There is no immediate danger of Afghanistan falling to the Taliban, National Security Adviser James Jones said Sunday.

“I don’t foresee the return of the Taliban,” Jones, a retired Marine Corps general and former commandant, said on CNN’s “State of the Union.” “And I want to be very clear that Afghanistan is not in danger — imminent danger — of falling.”

Jones’ comments are in stark contrast to those of General Stanley McChrystal, the top U.S. commander in Afghanistan, who submitted an assessment late last week in which he reportedly says he needs additional forces to successfully carry out the counterinsurgency strategy.

President Obama is overseeing a review of U.S. strategy in Afghanistan. McChrystal and other military leaders are pressing the president to act quickly to increase the present 68,000-troop level by up to 40,000 troops.

Otherwise, McChrystal reportedly warns, the mission could fail, bringing a return of power to the Taliban. The president has yet to respond to the general’s request.



But what’s especially odd about this debate is its stunningly self-centered tone: What are America’s national interests? How long can America last? How much will America be forced to spend in blood and treasure? What will happen to America’s standing if we withdraw? The whole conversation feels like a neurotic superpower talking to its therapist.

We continue to debate our involvement as though this is “America’s war” alone, when it is nothing of the sort and never has been, even if its triggering tragedy — the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks — is.

Like every other U.S. military intervention going back to Operation Desert Shield in 1990, the United States is conducting a police action on behalf of an international community that remains deeply interested in the targeted nation’s stability. That’s why 50 nations other than the United States have been involved in Operation Enduring Freedom at one time or another.

And yet, despite this obvious widespread interest in the outcome, especially among Afghanistan’s many regional neighbors, we conduct our conversation as if the only interests that matter are those of United States and, by ideological extension, its traditional Cold War allies in NATO (which has at times also found itself on the therapist’s couch).


Even taking into account the still-charged memory of 9/11, the West’s strategic arrogance here is a bit much. Imagine Russia, India, Iran and China all declaring themselves empowered to settle some raging insurgency in Central America, or Mexico’s “drug war,” on the basis of its global security implications. Now consider that Afghanistan, and that part of it that bleeds into Pakistan, is the proverbial “front yard” of these great powers.

And yet, what signs do we receive from these next-door neighbors amidst our internal debates on Afghanistan?

Russia’s ambassador to NATO, Dmitry Rogozin, recently declared Moscow’s interest in seeking a direct role in future alliance strategizing on Afghanistan. “We want to be inside,” he stated. Does that suggest Russian boots on the ground? Not any time soon. But it means Russia wants to be more involved than simply serving as logistical through-point.

India has increased its pledged developmental assistance to Afghanistan to $1.2 billion, leapfrogging to fifth place among advanced-economy donors — behind only the U.S., United Kingdom, Japan and Canada. According to The Wall Street Journal, “The Indian government is also paying to bring scores of bureaucrats to India, as it cultivates a new generation of Afghan officialdom.”

Iran’s latest response to the West’s demands regarding its nuclear program sought to tie that dispute to a wider regional security dialogue, encompassing, among other things, instability in Afghanistan-Pakistan. As in Iraq, Tehran continues to offer help in rebuilding Afghanistan even as its munitions regularly show up there. As usual, Iran will be intimately involved, one way or another.

Then there’s China, whose $3 billion deal on an Afghan copper mine earlier this year constituted the greatest single foreign direct investment in that nation’s entire history. Already building infrastructure throughout the country, often while being protected by U.S. military forces, China has recently stepped up its training of Afghan police along their common border. With Beijing’s excellent record of training overseas civilian police, says the European Council on Foreign Relations, China “should be asked to train and provide mentors for the Afghan police,” in addition to training their civilians by the thousands in the fields of medicine and engineering.


Given all that, why don’t we hear any American politicians or experts arguing about how we need to spread ownership of this problem regionally, instead of further burning out our own forces and those of NATO? Because for them, that would be handing “victory” over to the Shanghai Cooperation Organization or the “axis of diesel” — signaling, no doubt, the onset of a “post-American world.”

And yet, who amongst us believes that any realistic outcome for Afghanistan-Pakistan could somehow not intimately involve these states, and will not ultimately constitute their “success” far more than ours?

My continuing fear with the Obama administration is that it remains nowhere near ready to bargain realistically with such states. Why? Because under the “soft on defense” Democrats, a “strong” America — as opposed to a strong America — must simultaneously stand up to Iran, boss India around, hedge on China’s rise and counteract resurgent Russia. It must do everything, to everyone, while somehow still pulling a rabbit out of its hat in Afghanistan.

Despite all the nice talk about cooperating where Bush-Cheney once confronted, Team Obama still seems far too timid in its diplomacy. It hasn’t made a single daring or imaginative call on a “war” it has declared its own.

With his most respected principal, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, publicly stating that we’ve got maybe a year to show clear progress, it may already be too late for President Barack Obama to escape this historical trajectory.

And so long as Democrats continue the tragic Bush-Cheney habit of wedding themselves to internal political timetables — remember the sudden bursts of official honesty after the ’04 and ’06 elections? — it’s hard to see how any interested great power would trust our strategically myopic leadership.

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(Thomas P.M. Barnett is senior managing director of Enterra Solutions LLC and a contributing editor/online columnist for Esquire magazine. This commentary first appeared on the World Politics Review Web site.)

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Guest Commentary Copyright 2009, World Politics Review LLC. Re-posted by permission.

The ‘Skeeter Bites Report Copyright 2009, Skeeter Sanders. All rights reserved.

4 thoughts on “Obama Faces ‘Hobson’s Choice’ on Afghanistan: Build Up or Pull Back?

  1. just a civil war and international politics.

    The issue involving the internationally recognized Afghan government and the Taliban is not about al Qaeda and other violent international fundamentalist religious movements. It was, after all, the Taliban who offered to turn Osama bin Laden over to the European powers for trial.

    The Taliban was developed in great part by the Pakistani government as a means to extend and cement their dominance over a neighboring nation; but the Taliban was also developed to use Afghan people. Short version: just like our own revolution a couple hundred years ago the Afghani dominated Taliban relied on foreign assistance and even foreign fighters to achieve their own goals.

    The case in the nineties was not about revolution though. It was about civil war in a country that had multiple fighting groups each at war with everyone else. The Taliban managed to win out over the greatest part of Afghanistan because they were able to put a stop to that multi-faceted, internecine conflict, and the Afghan population appreciated that.

    (Quick interjection: I am not in any way attempting to portray the Taliban as a nice group … I sure as hell would not live under their brutal thumbs.)

    The Afghan civil war didn’t end there, however, because the losers accepted the old saw of “the enemy of my enemy is my friend”, aka our WWII relationship with Joseph Stalin’s predatory and brutal government. What we came to know as “the Northern Alliance” kept a small, mountainous portion of Afghanistan under their control.

    With US assistance (aka Hitler’s weapons and air power assistance to Francisco and his buddies in the 1930’s Spanish Civil War) this Northern Alliance was able to break out of their area of control and push the Taliban forces and politicians out of control of the cities.

    But the Afghan civil war did not end.

    The Taliban never gave up their quest for control over Afghanistan. The now non-allied Northern Alliance never gave up their quest for control Afghanistan. The ever mixing external forces never gave up their quest for control of Afghanistan.

    And this last paragraph is why “we” can never win! The Afghans will accept our weapons and our cash and our military intervention on behalf of [which ever side is getting their bread buttered], while the Afghans will us our supplying of weapons and cash and military intervention to their own military and political and propaganda advantage. “We” (including the Pakistanis) think this Afghan civil war is about us! The Afghanis know better … it’s about them, and they’re not interested in leaving.

    We took a beating while helping to kill millions of civilians in Vietnam because of this exact same dynamic. Look for history to repeat itself … no … look at history repeating itself.

  2. The reason there is no good choice in Afghanistan is because we invaded 8 years ago, and then just sat there, and took up space.  

    So, the third choice is to point out the rank incompetence of the War Party at being successful at war.  We need to pound that home until our nation understands that chickenhawks love war, but can’t fight one, but veterans do not love war, because they had to fight one.  

    Our children need to know that, or they will be caught up in the next war, just as this generation was caught up in Iraq, because we failed in our teaching the nation about Vietnam.  

    This war has a better smoking gun, so we have no excuse for failure.  Bush holding hands with the king has to be the poster about the futility of war:  Saud telling his kids, “It’s the West, they’re bad people!” while he and Bush are buddies from way back.  

  3. Thom Hartmann (Thom Hartmann radio program) sent out this link (The Taliban in Their Own Words, Newsweek, 09/05/10) in Thom’s “Daily Stack”. The story is interesting in that it seems both the homegrown Taliban fighters and the rest of the world want to rid Afghanistan of foreign fighters … including al Qaeda.

    I pick up two huge disconnects between us in the US and the Taliban: While we’re busy talking about al Qaeda, the Taliban are talking about Afghanistan … who do you think is going to win in Afghanistan? And secondly we define “foreign fighters” as being only those anti-western forces, but the Taliban include those same western forces in the pot with al Qaeda.

    When the cheney/bush administration took us into Afghanistan, al Qaeda was only an excuse, but that excuse has turned into the entire frame for us staying there forever. There will be not real forward motion regards Afghanistan as long as Obama continues to embrace that frame … a frame he actively pushed in the run-up to and post election period.

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