Capitalist Health Insurance for All

a nice piece by Terry Allen

In These Times…

Here’s what corporations know, but don’t want you to find out: Private insurance is for suckers.

Armies of healthcare industry flacks, lobbyists and bought-and-paid-for legislators rant that nonprofit, public insurance is a slippery slope to socialist hell, will limit your choice of physicians to Doc Watson and Dr. Kevorkian, and bankrupt the country. But, in fact, most U.S. Fortune 500 companies wouldn’t touch private insurance with a 10-foot colonoscope.

When they need to insure their financial health against fire, terrorism, and liability lawsuits sparked by defective products and polluting factories that kill people, they don’t call State Farm. Instead, corporations routinely insure themselves by creating a “captive” insurance company as a wholly-owned subsidiary. “The parent company is insuring its own risk,” says Sandy Bigglestone, of Vermont’s Captive Insurance division.

But when we the people need health insurance against the high cost of staying alive, we, or our employers, pay private insurers-corporations that are more devoted to protecting their profits than our health. The premiums we pay go not only for our pills and treatments, but also for lobbyists (on whom the health insurance industry currently spends $1.4 million per day for the U.S. Congress alone), campaign contributions, stratospheric executive salaries, private jets, lawyers hired to fight legitimate claims, and, of course, profits.

Click here for the complete article.

3 thoughts on “Capitalist Health Insurance for All

  1. Sorry – I always assume long-time GMDers know this which is not a good/fair assumption, but we cant cut and paste articles from other sources in toto. Its against copyright law, and has led to some legal unpleasantries online.

    What we can do is paraphrase and excerpt. A lot of folks stick to 2 or 3 paragraphs (unless the whole piece is 2 or 3 paragraphs… cant excerpt the whole piece, obviously). I figure as long as its less than half (within bounds of reason) we’re OK.

    Sorry… had to take the liberty of editing. Don’t like to do that… hope you understand.

  2. Well, whatever, thanks Doug.  I had known this, though, especially about companies insuring themselves rather than get jacked by another big company.  Won’t single-payer be a blessing?  

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