Telling communications from DPS

The Communication  Workers of America released a report that shows overall US internet speed falling behind most of the world .

Both the FreePress and the Times Argus quote numerous experts on high speed internet in the state and most agree with the reports findings  .

When asked to respond Vermont DPS’s Steven Wark sniffed that the report was politically motivated because the workers have a vested interest in the expansion of high speed internet through out the country !

A shared goal ? Leave aside for a moment the quick as a lightning strike knee jerk anti-worker bias .Isn’t it  plain as your face obvious that  a vested interest in expanding high speed internet is identical to what the state of Vermont claims to be promoting ! Isn’t it called the E-State initiative or some catchphrase title ?

In its Speed Matters press release, the CWA noted that “Internet download speed in Vermont has actually slowed down, even as the speeds in the rest of the nation get faster.”

Although the Department of Public Service, the consumer advocate in utility cases, has been highly critical of FairPoint’s operations, PSD spokesman Stephen Wark called the CWA report “politically motivated.”

Wark said the CWA and its workers have a vested interest in seeing the expansion of high-speed Internet throughout the country “and portraying just about anywhere in the United States as falling behind.”…

One thought on “Telling communications from DPS

  1. Not just speed, but installation times as well.

    Recent experience: took over a month to get DSL service into an office where the prior tenant already had such service! Lame excuse from Fairpoint at every stage of the process.

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