If you can’t hit the target, move it!

( – promoted by odum)

Item from today’s Herald/Times Argus…

Entergy Nuclear has asked state regulators to approve a plan that would change the regulatory boundary surrounding Vermont Yankee nuclear plant, which would move the spot where radiation doses are measured further away from the reactor.

Excellent, as Montgomery Burns would say. Entergy helpfully explains that it is seeking greater “regulatory clarity.” It has asked the Vermont Public Service Board for permission to make the change.

I say we let them do it with the following conditions: That they rename the territory inside the boundary “The Kill Zone,” and post huge skull-and-crossbones signs around the perimeter. What say you, Mr. O’brien?  

8 thoughts on “If you can’t hit the target, move it!

  1. See this comment on a recent thread (attached to “Just another ‘routine’ leak at Vermont Yankee”) http://www.greenmountaindaily…. and quoted on Saturday from Entergy’s own newsletter.

    Though I must admit, I like the way you’re thinking about this.

    The other condition should be that Entergy pays for moving the elementary school at least 5 miles away from the site.


    In a Time of Universal Deceit, TELLING the TRUTH Is a Revolutionary Act. – George Orwell

  2. the “EM” in REM stands for “equivalent man” and is the dose to a standard man, not a child or woman…. women and children are more susceptible to radiation, but the standard is for a middle aged man … makes about as much sense as moving the fence line.  

  3. …posting a Mr. Yuck sticker on the fence so the kids at the elementary school will understand that there’s a problem…

    Ok, that was too snarky, but really.

  4. The fact that Entergy tries this kind of moving the goal post trick isn’t particularly surprising .The trouble is our regulators,Douglas and his DPS may just roll over on their backs like an uninterested watchdog dog and let Entergy rub it’s belly.Our public advocates .

  5. Isn’t this consistent with the plan to fiddle with the way they measure radiation dosage?

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