Douglas In, 2010 Taking Shape

( – promoted by odum)

Hadn’t seen it up here yet, so I thought I might as well:

It looks like Jim’s ready for another go-around.

It was hardly a full-throated announcement, but on VPR this morning Governor Douglas made it clear that he intends to seek re-election.  

I also found it interesting that the WCAX article mentions Shumlin in the same breath as Markowitz in terms of potential candidates; given how much more we’ve heard from Markowitz then Shumlin.


6 thoughts on “Douglas In, 2010 Taking Shape

  1. What else is he going to do? Seriously. All he’s ever done is live off the public dime. He’s like some kind of bacteria that feeds off ego and accolades. He wouldn’t be able to live without it. He’s got nothing to run on this time around. Nothing.

  2. Are we going to have a unified left or not? Will a dem and prog divide the ballot and let Jim win with 42%. The democrats really need to go out of thier way to incorporate the progressives into their primary, so both sides will be happy when the general election comes. We can’t afford a three way this time, we need to get rid of Doesless.  

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