Breaking: Marriage Strike-All Referendum Amendment Voted Down 96-52

I’ve been listening to the live-stream of the marriage equality debate on the House floor. Most of the Repubican antis are whining on behalf of “unheard” or possibly “unlistened-to” constituents. They were the ones pushing for the amendment to put off the bill for a “nonbinding referendum” in November. One surprise for me was Will Stevens, one of the Independents, voting for the referendum.

The referendum push is clearly a stalling tactic and a refuge for those legislators who want cover.

Bottom line is that the anti-marriage people have had all the same opportunities as the pro-marriage people to register their opinions with their representatives. Not that I think legislators are god, but here’s the analogy. People pray to their deity all the time with requests — for health, happiness, loved ones, a job, whatever. And their deity, they believe, listens to every request and answers every request. Sometimes the answer is NO.

People can send emails  and letters and make calls to their legislators on issues any time. And their concerns are listened to. There have been hearings. Gay and lesbian couples who want to marry have already served a NINE-YEAR probationary period. Enough is enough! So now, we hope, the answer to prejudice is NO!

14 thoughts on “Breaking: Marriage Strike-All Referendum Amendment Voted Down 96-52

  1. Three voted no on the referendum amendment: Gary Gilbert of Fairfax, Kathie Keenan of St. Albans City, and (I think) Jeff Young of St. Albans City. Howrigan (Fairfield) and Consejo (Sheldon) voted yes, joining all the Franklin County Republicans.


    The freedom to MARRY has long been recognized as one of the vital personal rights essential to the orderly pursuit of happiness by free men [and women]. ~ SCOTUS, Loving v. Virginia (1967)

  2. In regards to the robocalls from the National Organization for Marriage:

    Rep Patsy French reports that she got about 20 calls from people who had been robocalled. The calls were running 2 to 1 IN FAVOR OF freedom to Marry!  

  3. … is dancin’ in the streets for Mike Mrowicki (D-Putney)! Well… not literally.

    We’re just VERY VERY proud of what he had to say during the amendment discussion…. so is iBrattleboro.  

  4. That vote (96-52) may be a preview of the veto overrride vote tally.  Need to dig up 4 more votes.

  5. Still listening to the debate … and Kurt Wright, after reading from a letter from Peter Brownell, said he had not, until he read that note and heard the debate today, made up his mind on how he would vote. And then he announced that he would be voting for the bill. [Glyph of jaw clunking on floor].


    The freedom to MARRY has long been recognized as one of the vital personal rights essential to the orderly pursuit of happiness by free men [and women]. ~ SCOTUS, Loving v. Virginia (1967)

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