Three Mile Island Meltdown, 30th Anniversary: Gundersen Testifies at PA Statehouse

(How can I/we not promote this? – promoted by Christian Avard)

For the 30th anniversary of the “worst accident in American commercial nuclear power history”, Arnie Gundersen and Steven Wing were asked to testify for the Pennsylvania Legislature on what really happened there in 1979.

Three Mile Island Alert has posted video of the testimony here.

Well worth the time.

5 thoughts on “Three Mile Island Meltdown, 30th Anniversary: Gundersen Testifies at PA Statehouse

  1. I attended.  This new information is excellent.  For more information go to TMI Alert  The material presented by Arnie Gundersen and Dr. Steve Wing was very well received.  The music heard in the background at the beginning of Arnie’s presentation was by an excellent elementary school bad playing out in the rotunda.  

  2. an emergency event when the instinct of an institution to protect itself kicks in and overrides other factors is to me troubling and most dangerous .At Three mile Island 30 years ago an otherwise clear evacuation procedure was stalled and distant technicians talked down an onsite operator who realized the true level of the emergency as the industry protectively circled around itself with the eventual help of regulators .The watched and the watchdog are too considerate of each other’s need to control image and profit.

    Evidence a recent FAA move to keep secret from travelers its vast records on where and how often commercial planes are damaged by hitting flying birds.The FAA maintains that incidents would not be reported for fear the public would “misinterpret” the data .The reporting is voluntary against the NTSB’s recommendation made 10 years ago.

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