All posts by VSEAleslie

Fair share – thanks Vermont Senate!

(Bumped.   – promoted by kestrel9000)

On Wednesday the Vermont senate passed the “fair share” bill 24-5, requiring non-union members to pay agency fees in return for the benefits they receive from union services such as contract negotiations and contract administration.  

VT Digger Article

(My apologies if someone else has reported this already on GMD, and I somehow missed it).

Currently, “grandfathered” employees are exempted from paying for these services while other non-union members pay a portion (85%) of the total union dues amount, in compensation for the services they receive.  

Essentially, Vermont has been acting like a “right to work” (for less) state with respect to these grandfathered employees, allowing them to benefit from the system without paying for it.  

As a state employee and VSEA member, I’m ok with other employees declining to join the union if that’s their choice.  But I don’t think it’s fair that the rest of us pay our fair share while others contribute nothing, while receiving the same benefits and services.

Thank you Vermont Senate, for recognizing this by passing the fair share bill.  Please follow their lead, Representatives, and correct this injustice.