NOT the Vermont way

Observers have been assuming that Miro Weinberger has an easy path to reelection, and the three-way split for the opposition can only help him, right?

The latest move by Greg Guma to stand out from the crowd has worked, but probably not in the way he had hoped.

Attack ads? The line on them is everybody hates them, but everybody knows they work. I'm not sure this one's coming up trumps for Guma, though. Let's take a look.

Bulls-eye superimposed on the mayor's head–Check

Sound of a gunshot along with the bulls-eye–Check

Swiping a copyrighted photo from the Burlington Free Press--That's your trifecta right there!

 “Greg Guma–Take the target off Burlington's back” and put it on the mayor's head.

I'm not involved in the election, but this leaves me shaking my head. 

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