Marijuana Legalization – The Solution to the Budget Gap

( – promoted by Sue Prent)

“Under a scenario in which Vermont legalized marijuana, taxed aggressively, suppressed its black market, and consumption increased by 25 to 100 percent, tax revenues from sales to Vermont residents could be in the range of $20 million to $75 million annually.”

This is one of the key findings in a newly issued report by the Rand Corporation, who was hired by Vermont (pursuant to Senate bill 247).

In light of the Governor’s call for budget cuts and a payroll tax increase to cover health care cuts to Medicare doctors, it is imperative that the Legislature take up marijuana legalization this term.

2 thoughts on “Marijuana Legalization – The Solution to the Budget Gap

  1. Hemp can be a good cash crop for Vt. Farmers.  Especially the small dairy farmers who have some extra land to grow it on, but can’t afford to go the 3 year organic investment NOFA requires.  Hell, let the farmers grow the pot too–more revenue.  Duh.  And there’s all this anti-pot ‘informational’ lobbying is going on.  Assholes!

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