Prosecutorial Discretion


I'm sure you don't recognize this guy, because, after all, you don't live in Idaho.


If you did you might recognize him as Barry McHugh, the prosecuting attorney for Kootenai County, Idaho.


Old Barry's hit the news, and maybe not for something he'd want to be in the news for. You see, Barry has issued a warrant for the arrest of a nine-year-old boy for stealing gum.


I don't know, maybe the kid's a repeat offender. Maybe he stole a cookie when he was six and got away with it, so now he's headed down the road to a life of crime. A cookie here, gum there, and there's no telling where it will end.


I'm sure Barry has his reasons, because, you see, he has prosecutorial discretion. He gets to decide who he will prosecute and who he won't prosecute, and there's pretty much nothing that anybody else can do about it. So the nine-year-old gets sent off the the Little Big House to learn the error of his ways.


But you know, practicing law can be hard work, especially with all that exercising prosecutorial discretion. You mouth sure can get dry from all that discretioning, especially up in Idaho.


So wouldn't it be a kind gesture, a way to let him know how much we appreciate his efforts to keep Kootenai safe, to send him a piece of gum?


I know that's what I'm going to do, and if you're inclined to do the same, here's the address:


Barry McHugh, Prosecuting Atty

P: (208) 446-1800

Physical Address:

501 Government Way

Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83814

Oh, one other thing: I went and got some legal advice and I'm told that if you are inclined to send ol' Barry some gum you should make sure not to send him anything with a liquid center or a powdery residue. There are people who send dangerous stuff through the mail, but a little gum never hurt anybody.

4 thoughts on “Prosecutorial Discretion

  1. And what about the guy/gal who left a gun vulnerable to theft by a nine-year old?

    Where is his/her warrant for child endangerment?

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