Ballad Of John Spooner (To the tune of ‘The Green Berets’)

I’m 76 years-old

I’m a mental case

This little black shit

He got in my face

He stole some of my guns

But he didn’t get ’em all

I shot him twice

His mamma watched him fall

Oh, please help me

I’m just an old white man

Protectin’ my property

I think you’ll understand

These fuckin’ blacks

Keep bustin’ our balls

There oughta be a law

Says we can shoot ’em all

Yeah I’m an old white man

My lawyer says I’m nuts

Gonna make a good defense

No ifs, ands, or buts

And when I get acquitted

Gonna move to Florida

Where they know how to deal with

All the black motherfuckers

Cause I don’t even know

Why I have to go to trial

I mean, shootin’ niggers

Has been an American style

Just hope my lawyer

Gets me found not guilty real quick

And next time I shoot someone

I’ll make sure he’s just a spic

Yeah, I’m an old white man

One of America’s best

Hope I get a white jury

That will lay this all to rest

What the Hell kind of country

Has this become

When a thirteen year-old black shit

Gets to steal an old white man’s guns?

So let’s get this over with

Put me on the stand

You’re not gonna convict me

You can’t lynch a white man

And if Martin wasn’t enough

This will prove the case

That you can shoot any black nigger

punk sonofabitch

Who gets in your face

Oh yeeeeaaaahhhhh…………….

(“Sinatra would have loved that.  And Glen Miller too.  Is it time to testify?”)

Peter Buknatski

Montpelier, Vt.  

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