Forward… into the past!

Here’s a brilliant move. The Vermont Republican Party, which (by its own leaders’ admission) needs to attract younger voters and refresh its image, have taken a nice big step — in the other direction.

The VTGOP is holding its spring dinner on March 16. And its keynote speaker?

That guy.

Steve Forbes. 65 years old. Was briefly a compelling figure in Republican politics, back in the 1990s. Spent vast amounts of his (inherited) fortune on two spectacularly unsuccessful runs for President — the most recent of which was twelve years ago.

Steve Forbes, who still spends his days trumpeting the glories of the free market, the flat tax, and voucherized Social Security.

Steve Forbes, whose most recent book is entitled “Freedom Manifesto: Why Free Markets are Moral and Big Government Isn’t.”

Steve Forbes, just the man to change the VTGOP’s bitter-old-white-wingnut image.  

Steve Forbes. A new voice for Vermont.

Sometimes this stuff just writes itself.  

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