The NRA Calls for Anarchy

Wayne LaPierre, head of the NRA, plans to call for anarchy when he testifies in front of the Senate tomorrow, per his written statement issued today:

And when it comes to the issue of background checks, let’s be honest – background checks will never be “universal” – because criminals will never submit to them.

What he really means to say is that gun laws are pointless, as criminals will always find ways of breaking laws.  Which, come to think of it, should apply to all laws.  Why bother having a law against murder when criminals will find a way to commit murder?  Heck, get rid of embezzlement laws.  That hasn’t stopped things here in Vermont.  Or better yet, get rid of pedophile laws, as we all know that’s done nothing to slow down the Catholic Church.  Right, Cardinal Mahoney?

So if laws don’t work, the absence of law must be preferable.  What Mr. LaPierre and the kind folks at the NRA really want then is anarchy.  Or at the very least, the freedom to sell guns to whomever they want, because everybody knows how much good patriotic Americans abhor lost business opportunities.

4 thoughts on “The NRA Calls for Anarchy

  1. Good Post, Apache Trout!  The NRA sounds like Major Major Major in Catch-22:  “When I’m IN my office, Sergeant, I’m NOT in my office.  I’m only IN my office when I’m NOT in my office.”  Or, perhaps Dostoyevsky–If there is no God (no laws) then everything is permissible.  Shit.  This LaPierre is well read.  Next we’ll be getting excerpts from Ulysses (Molly Blum’s soliloquy would be good).  

    Yes, the answer to criminals having guns is…yes…MORE GUNS!  Hey, Edward Teller would have made a great NRA director–Dr. Strangegun.


  2. …the NRA is hosting, this Spring, America’s very first SHOOT-IN.  Maybe they’ll hold it in Vermont.  Gotta come up with some shit to yell at them out the car windows:  “Hey, get a permit!” or “Go back to fucking Somalia where you came from!” or “Are you a boy or a bunker?!”

    Yeah.  The Great American Shoot-In.  A Fest.  It’s time has come.  Shotgun me, baby.

  3. was also on display during the Senate Hearing.  Perhaps I wrongly assumed that all safe and responsible gun owners kept their guns locked up and unloaded, with the ammo kept in a separate safe.  I thought that was the NRA’s position.

    But then we have Ms. Gayle Trotter testifying to her fear of large men coming to rape/kill her or her six children.  In the event of a home invasion, you probably don’t have the time to open two safes and load the weapon.  So it follows that Ms. Trotter keeps her weapons loaded and not locked up.  In a home full of six children.  As someone astutely noted, I suspect a lot of parents were telling their kids that they couldn’t play at the Trotter household again.

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