Happy anniversary to me!

Yesterday was my thirty-sixth wedding anniversary. Contrary to the male stereotype I've never forgotten it, and I bet most men haven't either.

I'm not trolling for compliments or congratulations; I've already gotten “likes” or good wishes from over a hundred people on Facebook, and I appreciate all of them.

I do want to point something out, though. The opponents of marriage equality say that we hate marriage, or we want to destroy it, and on the day I celebrate my anniversary I can say that nothing is farther from the truth. The truth is that supporters of marriage equality value marriage, probably more than the opponents. We value the support and strength that it gives us, and we can't see why other people shouldn't have the same chance.

5 thoughts on “Happy anniversary to me!

  1. Mark and I are coming up on our 40th in a little less than a month and I couldn’t agree more with you!

  2. Sunday will be the 12th anniversary of our civil union. October 10 will be the third anniversary of our marriage. And somewhere around now makes 32.5 years that we’ve been together.

    Without Vermont’s leadership on civil unions, the nation would not be making this much progress on equality for lesbians and gay men.


    [N]o one in America should ever be afraid to walk down the street holding the hands of the person they love.  No one in America should be forced to look over their shoulder because of who they are. ~ US President Barack Obama

  3. I’ve only been married for a few months, and it’s been amazing. It was incredibly easy to get married, once Steph and I decided to take the leap. I hope to have the success that you all have had and I hope to help make sure that everyone has the right to marry the one who they love!

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